The Greensborough Patriot

Jan. 2, 1862

Page 2


What the West has Done.

            The Ashville News says:  The ten mountain counties West of the Blue Ridge in this State, have raised and sent into the field FORTY-NINE companies of volunteers, averaging over 100 men each.  Can any portion of the State make a better exhibit?

            Buncombe has furnished eleven companies, and has four Colonels and three Majors in the field, viz.:

            Col. Stephen Lee, 16th Regiment.

            Col. T. L. Clingman, 25th Regiment.

            Col. Z. B. Vance, 26th Regiment.

            Col. R. B. Vance, 29th Regiment.

            Major John W. Woodfin, 2d Regiment N. C. Cavalry.

            Maj. Marcus Erwin, Wise’s Legion.

            Maj. David Coleman, Coleman’s Battalion.